Support for healing

During the course of our lifes, it often happens that we experience very intense emotions and that these have not been fully lived out. These emotions then got crystallized in the body and are keeping us from living fully and freely.

The support that I offer takes into account the whole being, which is why I like to use different approaches adapted to the needs of each individual. In the emotional release practices offered, I remain highly attentive to the needs of the people and ensures that great care is taken at all stages of the process. An integration is planned at the end of these sessions and also a debriefing scheduled in order to define the next step.

Alchemical Breath

Alchemy of Breath® is a sustained, conscious and connected breathing practice that allows deep physical and energetic cleansing. This ancestral practice intensifies our energy level and leads to a transformation of the emotions stored in the body by releasing cellular memories. It allows a deep exploration of oneself by accessing an expanded state of consciousness in a natural way, simply by breathing.

The Alchemical Breathwork offers the possibility of entering into a relationship with the depths of the unconscious, bringing out information from the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. This opening of consciousness activates our natural capacity for self-healing by allowing us to relive, integrate and transform the experiences and memories that are at the source of our suffering. Just as alchemy aims to transform lead into gold, Alchemical Breathwork teaches us to transmute our heavy and painful energies into free and radiant energies.


Metatherapy is a practice that allows us to go in full consciousness to meet our areas of suffering and to transform these emotional wounds. It is a process of personal introspection that goes through bodily feelings. It is a concrete and pragmatic method that acts deep within us. This is why it provides an fast, effective and stable solution over time.

The practitioner in metatherapy accompanies the person to go by himself in his feelings. He shows him how to untie, resolve and transform areas of suffering with acceptance, forgiveness. It is a work of self-love that will unblock and realign us to our true potential.

And more than anything, metatherapy teaches us the keys to transforming the energies and emotions stuck inside of us. Once one understands the practice, one can become independent in their work. It is a process of self empowerment as much as healing and awakening.

Intuitive readings

In this practice, I connect to my divine guidance and to your energy in order to obtain clarification and encouragement for your life journey and your particular situation. This is not about prediction but more of an energy reading. I use oracle and tarot cards to support this work. Part of the reading is done through intuition and the energies of the cards and some messages are directly channeled. These readings aim to help you to realign yourself, connect to your own guidance and return to a state of serenity regarding your life path.

Joëlle Roy
+41 (0)77 419 05 65
Sankalpa is the committed intention placed in the heart, inspired by a higher truth, for the purpose of fulfilling our life's mission