Open the realm of possibilities
Create harmony

Your life is a precious gift, make it something wonderful

In the face of life's challenges, we sometimes need someone on our side to help us find clarity, reconnect with what truly matters and find the resources to move forward. Broaden your vision and make your way to a meaningful life fully in tune with the aspirations of your true self.


The coaching that I offer will help you to find concrete solutions to the challenges that you are facing. Whether you have difficulties in a professional, relational, or personal area, coaching is an efficient means to help you move out of circumstances where you feel stuck, limited or confused.



The Yoga that I propose will help you to apprehend life with more ease, fluidity and strength. Whether you need to take care of your health, experience more serenity or go on a path of discovery yoga is a wonderful way to find healthy and lasting answers.

Joƫlle Roy
+41 (0)77 419 05 65
Sankalpa is the committed intention placed in the heart, inspired by a higher truth, for the purpose of fulfilling our life's mission